39 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Self-Care Model on Diabetes Self-Management Behaviour

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    Introduction: The needs of diabetic patients are not only limited to adequate glycemic control but also correspond with preventing complications and increasing their awareness to participate in self-management. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness self-care model to Diabetes self-management behaviour (DSM Behaviour) and Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) levels. Methods: The study was conducted from June to August 2019 at Community Health Centers. This study employed a Quasi-Experimental pre-posttest with a control group design. There were 104 respondents obtained by purposive sampling technique, and assigned into experimental (52 respondents) and control group (52 respondents). FBG levels and DSM Behaviour were evaluated in the first and the seventh week using The Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA) questionnaire. Results: Paired sample T-test statistical revealed a significant difference in decreasing levels on FBG and increasing level of DSM Behaviour (p<0.05) at before and after the intervention; Independent T-test discovered a significant difference on FBG and DSM Behaviour (p<0.05) between the intervention and control group. The strongest effect as resulting from the parameter estimation model of SDSCA was a dimension of a healthy diet (2.96) followed by foot exercise (2.41) and activity (4.54). SDSCA showed marginal fit for FBG with t-value <2 and contribution determinant of 8.4% (R2 = 0.084). Conclusions: Self-care model is an effective program that can improve DSM Behaviour and increase adequate glycemic control. In addition, this model needs to implement continuously to prevent complications and improve self-care to diabetic patients

    The Risk Factors for Exposure to Covid-19 in Diabetes Patients in the Johar Baru Health Centre Work Area

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    Aims: The study aims to analyse the risk factors for exposure to Covid-19 in Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Patients in the Johar Baru Health Centre work area. Design: This research was an observational analytic with a cross-sectional design. 146 DM patients were selected using the purposive sampling technique as respondents. Four instruments were employed in this study, they were The Perceived Stress Scale, modified Diabetes Self-management Questionnaire, Self-assessment form from the Ministry of Health to measure the risk of exposure to Covid-19, and The Covid-19 Preventive Behaviour Questionnaire, which was compiled based on a literature study and tested for validity and reliability. Methods: This research is a quantitative descriptive research. Results : Using Kendal's Tau B statistics, the risk of being exposed to Covid-19 was found to have a significant relationship to the length of suffering from DM, comorbidities, stress levels, self-management, and Covid-19 preventive behaviour with a p-value &lt;0.05. The multiple linear regression test found that the risk of being exposed to Covid-19 was influenced by the variable duration of suffering from DM, stress level, and Covid preventive behaviour (p-value &lt; 0.05) with the results of Cox and Snell R = 0.382 indicating that the independent variable contributes 38.2%. Conclusions: DM patients were in high risk for exposure Covid 19, thus they need to control stress levels and carry out Covid preventive behaviour by prioritizing optimal health procedures to prevent the risk of being exposed to Covid-19


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    ABSTRAKPenderita Diabetes Mellitus (DM) memiliki risiko tinggi terpapar Covid-19 karena sistem imun yang menurun, terutama yang memiliki self-management diabetes tidak baik. Dampak Covid juga memperburuk sosial ekonomi sehingga memicu peningkatan stress yang akan memperburuk kadar indeks glikemik dan mengakibatkan seseorang rentan terpapar Covid-19. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi pasien dengan penyakit kronis khususnya penyakit DM agar dapat menerapkan perilaku sehat dan dapat melakukan manajemen stres dengan cara sederhana dan dapat dilakukan secara mandiri dirumah. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 25 pasien diabetes yang tergabung dalam PROLANIS (Program Pengelolaan Penyakit Kronis) di Poliklinik Penyakit Tidak Menular Puskesmas Kecamatan Johar Baru, Jakarta Pusat. Terdapat  4 tahapan yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini, yaitu perkenalan dan ice breaking; dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan tentang materi perilaku hidup sehat pasien DM dimasa pandemic dan manajemen stress; demonstrasi dan redemonstrasi cara cuci tangan dan penggunaan masker yang tepat; diakhiri dengan sesi evaluasi. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara online menggunakan aplikasi daring. Hasil evaluasi terhadap kegiatan ini memperlihatkan bahwa mayoritas peserta memiliki tingkat stress berat sebesar 76% dan manejemen diri DM yang buruk sebesar 60%; selain itu 100% peserta dapat melakukan demonstrasi pemasangan masker, melepaskan masker dan mencuci tangan dengan tepat. Diharapkan tenaga kesehatan dapat memberikan edukasi kesehatan secara berkala terutama bagi masyarakat yang memiliki komorbid Covid-19 agar dapat melakukan perilaku hidup sehat dan dapat meningkatan manajemen diri dengan baik sehingga dapat mencegah paparan penyakit Covid.19. Kata kunci: covid-19; DM; manajemen stress; perilaku hidup sehat ABSTRACTPatients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) have an increased risk of Covid-19 infection due to immune dysfunction, and poor self-management of diabetes particularly. The Covid-19 has an impact on the social economic aspect that has triggered the increase of stress level thus leading to glycaemic index becoming worse and providing the opportunity for Covid-19 infection. The activity of community service aimed to motivate patients with chronic illness especially DM patients to practice healthy behaviour and stress management which can be implemented at home independently. This activity was attended by 25 DM patients who are members of PROLANIS (Chronic disease management program) at the Non-Communicable Disease outpatient unit in Johar Baru Health Center, Central Jakarta. There were four sessions carried out in this activity, namely introductions and ice breaking; Health education on Healthy behaviour for DM patient in pandemic era and stress management; demonstration and re-demonstration about hand wash and wearing mask appropriately; and the last session is evaluation. This activity was conducted by online used online application software. The result of this activity showed the majority of participants’ experienced severe stress (76%) and poor self-management diabetes mellitus (60%), moreover all of the participants (100%) were able to wear masks, take off the mask, and wash hands appropriately. It is suggested that health care providers are expected to provide health education regularly to communities especially who have comorbid on Covid-19 in order to implement the healthy behaviour and to increase self-management thus preventing risk of Covid-19 infection.Key words: covid-19; DM; stress management; healthy behaviour


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    Abstrak Perkawinan pada anak di Indonesia terbilang cukup tinggi, meskipun telah ditentukan aturan mengenai batasan usia perkawinan namun, masih terdapat penyimpangan dari batasan usia tersebut. Hal ini tercantum pada Pasal 7 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Perkawinan bahwa, apabila terjadi penyimpangan pada pasal 7 ayat (1) mengenai batasan usia perkawinan maka orang tua pihak wanita atau laki-laki dapat meminta dispensasi pada pengadilan yang ditunjuk di wilayahnya. Pada dispensasi kawin dalam undang-undang perkawinan tidak memberikan persyaratan serta prosedur yang jelas dalam pengajuan dispensasi, sehingga orang tua dapat mengajukan dispensasi kawin untuk anaknya dengan mudah. Selain itu, pengadilan agama juga kerap mengabulkan permohonan dispensasi kawin. Adanya perkawinan anak memunculkan beberapa masalah baru, karena anak belum mampu secara fisiknya untuk melakukan suatu hubungan seksual kemudian dari segi psikologi mereka masih bersifat kekanak-kanakkan sehingga belum bisa bertanggung jawab untuk urusan perkawinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami keberlakuan dispensasi perkawinan pada undang-undang perkawinan serta kesesuaian antara pasal 7 ayat (2) mengenai dispensasi kawin dengan asas-asas perlindungan anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, sejarah dan konsep. Bahan hukum yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah berupa undang-undang dan buku-buku. Pengolahan bahan hukum pada penelitian ini diolah dari bahan hukum primer yang diolah terlebih dahulu kemudian bahan hukum sekunder. Setelah terkumpul maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan dari analisis tersebut. Hasil penelitian dari segi historis, awal kemunculan pasal mengenai dispensasi tidak pernah disinggung sama sekali. Saat itu pemerintah merumuskan dispensasi bertujuan agar berusaha tidak menyulitkan urusan individu untuk melangsungkan perkawinan. Sehingga, tujuan berlakunya dispensasi kawin sebagai antisipasi keadaan darurat dan untuk melegalkan suatu hubungan agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang menimbulkan kerugian dalam suatu hubungan. Pasal 7 ayat (2) mengenai dispensasi kawin tidak sesuai dengan asas-asas perlindungan anak diantaranya asas kepentingan terbaik bagi anak, asas hak kelangsungan hidup dan perkembangan serta asas penghargaan terhadap pendapat anak. Saran terdapat hakim, diharapkan mempertimbangkan syarat pengajuan dispensasi kawin dengan mengaitkan pada tujuan berlakunya dispensasi kawin itu sendiri. Kata kunci : dispensasi kawin, asas-asas perlindungan anak, perkawinan. Abstract Marriage to children in Indonesia is quite high, although it has been determined rules on the age limit of marriage, however, there are still irregularities from the age restriction. It is listed in article 7 paragraph (2) of the Marriage Act that, in the event of irregularities in article 7 clause (1) of the age restriction of the marriage, the parent of a woman or male shall seek the dispensation of the appointed court in Region. In the marriage dispensation in marital law does’nt provide clear requirements and procedures in the submission of dispensations, so parents can be easily take a marriage dispensation for their children. In addition, religious court also often grant an application for a marriage dispensation. The existence of child marriage raises some new problems, because the child hasn’t been physically able to do a sexual intercourse then, in terms of psychology the’re still childhood so, can’t be able to be responsible for their marriage. This study aims to determine the validity of a marriage dispensation on the marriage laws and the suitability between article 7 paragraph (2) of the mating dispensation on the basis of child protection.This research uses normative juridical research methods. With a statutory approach, and concept approach.The legal material used in this research are laws and books. Processing of legal materials on this research are laws and book. Processing of legal materials on this research is processed from the primary legal material then secondary legal material. After all of both the legal material accumulated the cases can be withdrawn. The results of the study in historical terms, the beginning of the article on the dispensation are never mentioned at all. Thus, the purpose of the marriage dispensation is anticipated as an emergency and to legalize a relationship so that it does not happen to cause harm in a relationship. Article 7 paragraph (2) of the marriage dispensation is not in accordance with the principles of child protection including the principle of the best interest for the child, the principle of survival and development and the principle of appreciation for the child's opinion. Suggestions can be made, judges are expected to consider the conditions of the marriage dispensation by associating the purpose of the marriage dispensation itself. Keywords: marriage dispensation, children's protection principles,marriages

    Why do nurses need philosophy?

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    The nature of philosophy gives a significant influence on the way nurse examines the phenomena which happen on the field.  Together with nursing ethics, it is needed for nursing practice, as the basic elements of rights, giving value and the nature to perform good nursing practice. Philosophy and science can’t be separated because they give mutual benefits each other; where science requires philosophy to connect its findings for human knowledge and philosophy can act as a language connecting disciplines. Philosophy will increase nurses’ ability to understand the phenomena and this will provide nurses with a way to think about their practice. Caring is expected to be a spirit of nursing, and through caring, nurse can provide a safe and compassionate nursing care.  For nurse educator, caring is a soul of nursing that will help the students cope or make adaptation with the stressor, thus will increase their motivation to study nursing

    Waspadai Prediabetes dan Cegah Gaya Hidup Sedentary pada Usia Remaja

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    Prediabetes dapat berkembang menjadi penyakit Diabetes Mellitus (DM) bila tidak dilakukan pencegahan sejak dini, dan saat ini terjadi lonjakan prevalensi prediabetes yang diakibatkan dari gaya hidup masyarakat yang kurang sehat terutama dikalangan remaja. Perlu dilakukan edukasi terkait screening Prediabetes dan memotivasi remaja untuk mengurangi gaya hidup sedentary. Kegiatan Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi Kesehatan tentang prediabetes dan dampaknya serta mengurangi gaya hidup sedentary dikalangan remaja. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 75 siswa siswi SMAN 28&nbsp; Tangerang. Ada 4 tahapan yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini, yaitu perkenalan dan ice breaking, dilanjutkan dengan screening dan penjelasan tentang prediabetes, dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan gaya hidup sedentary. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan penjelasan dan demonstrasi pembacaan label makanan. Hasil evaluasi terhadap kegiatan pengabdian yang telah dilakukan terlihat adanya peningkatan pengetahuan tentang cara mencegah prediabetes, gaya hidup sedentary dan kemampuan membaca label makanan. Selain itu, dari hasil kuesioner didapatkan bahwa mayoritas peserta memiliki risiko sangat rendah prediabetes sebesar 81.9% dan 90.3% tidak sedentary. Diharapkan remaja dapat meningkatkan gaya hidup sehat dan termotivasi untuk mengurangi gaya hidup sedentary sehingga dapt mencegah penyakit DM


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    Global Distribution System (GDS) merupakan perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan sistem pemesanan tiket dan lainnya dalam bidang industri penerbangan dan industri pariwisata. Sekarang ini keberadaan perusahaan GDS sudah mulai berkembang dan ini dapat dibuktikan dengan banyaknya perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan GDS dengan sistem yang berbeda-beda yang menyebabkan sulitnya mendapatkan kesetiaan pelanggan (loyalitas pelanggan). Kepercayaan merupakan faktor penting dalam membangun hubungan yang positif dengan pelanggan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan beberapa upaya untuk meningkatkan keprcayaan dari konsumen. Solusi utama yang harus dilakukan oleh perusahaan adalah meningkatkan kepercayaan pelanggan sehingga dapat meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan khususnya pelanggan yang berasal dari travel agent. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh temuan pengaruh kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas pengguna Global Distribution System. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah travel agent yang menggunakan Global Distribution System Sabre Travel Network Indonesia. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah kepercayaan (X) dan variabel terikatnya adalah loyalitas (Y). jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dan verifikatif dan metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory survey. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 110 orang responden yang menggunakan Global Distribution System Sabre Travel Network Indonesia dengan teknik penarikan purposive sampling. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda dengan alat bantu SPSS 20. Hasil perhitungan didapat R- square sebesar 36% yang menunjukkan besarnya pengaruh kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas sebesar 36% sedangkan sisanya 64% dipengaruhi faktor lain yang tidak diteliti oleh peneliti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian melalui regresi berganda terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari ketiga dimensi yaitu technology orientation, reputation, dan perceived risk terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Pembentukan loyalitas pelanggan adalah word of mouth communication, repurchase intention, price insensitivity, dan complaint behavior. Pengaruh kedua variabel ini memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Penulis merekomendasikan mengkaji lebih luas mengenai sub variabel kepercayaan lainnya atau menggunakan variabel lain yang dapat meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan.;--- Global Distribution System (GDS) is a company that provides services ticketing reservation system and others in airlines industry and tourism industry. Now this GDS companies is the existence of GDS companies keep growing and this can be proved with many companies that provide service GDS in form of different system that causes difficulty to obtain customer loyalty. Trust is an important factor in building a positive relationship with customers. Therefore, it takes some efforts to improve the customer trust. The main solution is to be done by the company is increase trust so that customer can increase customer loyalty especially customer who are derived from the travel agent. This research aims to obtain findings on the influence of trust can effect loyalty of customers global distribution system. Object of this research is customers Global Distribution System Sabre Travel Network Indonesia. The independent variable in this research is trust (X) and the dependent variable is loyalty (Y). the type of this research is a descriptive verification and the method used is explanatory survey. The sample in this research are 110 respondents of customers use Global Distribution System Sabre Travel Network Indonesia and the sampling technique used purposive sampling. Data analysis technique used is multiple regression with the SPSS 20.Multiple regression calculation results obtained an R-square is 36% which showed that trust has an impact on loyalty by 36% while the remaining 64% affected by the others factors that not examined by researchers. Based on the results of research through multiple regression found a significant effect of three trust dimensions technology orientation, reputation, and perceived risk significant effect on customer loyalty. Forming customer loyalty is word of mouth communication, repurchase intention, price insensitivity and complaint behavior. Influences of these two variables have a significant effect either simultaneously or partially. The author recommends to more broadly studies to using other dimensions of trust or using other variables that can increase to customer loyalty


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    The purpose of this study is to discuss the development procedures and the effectiveness of using Android-based interactive learning media using Articulate Storyline 3 on mathematical literacy skills. The method used is Research Development (RD) with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Based on research and development, the product ABEKUBA (Cube and Block Learning Application) has been approved for use by material and media experts in the form of an android application. User response to this learning media is positive with very good category. The results of the effect size test on mathematical literacy skills obtained the strong effect category. So that it can be concluded that Android-based interactive learning media using Articulate Storyline 3 is effective for students' mathematical literacy skills

    The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Intervention: Prayer Open Hearts Against Depression in HIV/ AIDS Patients

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    Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a group of symptoms that arise due to damage to the human immune system due to infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). People with HIV will cause stigma in society so that psychosocial problems will arise, one of which is depression. Treatment of depressed patients can be done by non-pharmacological therapy, one of which is Mindfulness-Based Intervention. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Intervention: Open Heart Prayer Against Changes in Depression Levels in HIV / AIDS Patients at RSUD X Tangerang Regency. The research method was a quasy experiment with non-equivalent control group pre- posttest design on 117 samples divided by the control group with 29 samples and the intervention group for 88 samples. Open Heart Prayer Therapy is given 2 times a day for 6 weeks. The independent variables were age, gender, education level, length of diagnosis, stigma and family support. Statistical tests used Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney, and Ordinal Logistic Regression. The results showed that there was a difference in the mean level of depression after being given Mindfulness Based Intervention: Prayer to Open Heart in the intervention and control groups with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05. And there are differences in the level of depression before and after being given Mindfulness Based Intervention: Open Heart Prayer in the intervention group with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05. There is an effect of Mindfulness Based Intervention: Open Heart Prayer on the level of depression with a P Value of 0.040 <0.05. However, there was no significant effect on the level of depression partially with gender p. Value 0.926, education level p value 0.696, long time diagnosed with HIV / AIDS p value 0.076, stigma p value 0.057 and significant effect on family support with p value 0.039. Mindfulness Based Intervention Therapy: Open Heart Prayer is influential and useful in reducing depression levels in HIV / AIDS patients. Keywords: HIV / AIDS; MBI (Prayer of Open Heart); Depressio


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    Stroke adalah gangguan fungsi saraf yang disebabkan oleh gangguan aliran darah dalam otak, dan stroke merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular. Gangguan akibat stroke sering menimbulkan gejala sisa yang dapat menjadi kecacatan menetap yang selanjutnya membatasi fungsi seseorang dalam aktivitasnya sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu diperlukan program latihan ROM yang tujuan utamanya untuk dapat mencapai kemandirian pasien dalam melakukan aktivitas fungsional. Proses pemulihan pasien dengan stroke ini akan dipercepat apabila ada rangsangan untuk bergerak dari anggota-anggota badan yang mengalami kelemahan ataupun lumpuh, yaitu dengan latihan range of motion(ROM).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh latihan ROM terhadap perubahan aktivitas fungsional pada pasien stroke rawat inap di RSU UKI, Jakarta. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitaf dengan pendekatan desain quasi experimental pre dan post design. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 responden, yang dibagi menjadi kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Waktu penelitian dimulai dari Mei-Juli, 2016. Kelompok perlakuan diberikan pre test untuk penilaian aktivitas fungsional dengan menggunakan Index barthel, dilakukan latihan ROM 3x sehari, selama 7 hari, kemudian dilakukan post test dengan lembar penilaian Index Barthel yang sama.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan signifikan terhadap kemampuan aktivitas fungsional meningkat pada kedua kelompok baik intervensi ataupun kontrol, dengan nilai p value 0,001. Penelitian ini terbukti dapat meningkatkan kemampuan aktivitas pasien yang mengalami stroke dengan pemberian program latihan ROM yang dirawat di rumah sakit, juga merekomendasikan agar program latihan ROM dapat diterapkan khususnya diruang perawatan medikal bedah, serta adanya penelitian lanjut dengan sampel yang lebih besar